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I am finding my way

Becoming a mother was both beautiful and scary. Growing up I never imagined being a mother, I felt I had no maternal instincts. I always had a huge love for animals and loved being a pet mom, but a Mom for real, nope, didn't think it was for me! 2012 my oldest daughter Maya was born. The unconditional love I had for this baby girl was a force I can't explain. She was my whole world. I didn't want any darkness to touch her.

My marriage was strained from the very beginning. It was challenging to balance my emotions and mental health working full time, being a first time Mom and feeling like my partner wasn't there for me. Olivia entered this world in 2015 and at that point, despite feeling so much joy for my two healthy, beautiful daughters - my energy, heart and mind was strained and sick. I wasn't the best person I could be for my girls. I made the hard decision to separate from their father and then begun the road of self-love and healing.

I found my way to crystal healing therapy by allowing myself to be called back to my deep love for crystals. Since I was a child I loved crystals and collecting them. My grandma Ruth and grandpa Lloyd shared their appreciation for crystals when I was young and it made me feel close to them. I cared so much about what other people would think if I started to get more curious about crystal healing therapy and the metaphysical realm, but the calling was too loud that it drowned out the voices of fear and doubt.

My road to healing and self-love has been tumultuous. I have been consistently working with EMDR therapy, practicing yoga and meditation, going to the gym regularly and changing up my eating habits. Mind you, I do like to have things in moderation, diets for me never work but I have recently eliminated meats and find this has really helped me.

I am finding my way, and I am grateful for this journey and all the tools that have been brought into my life to help me with this.


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