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Lightning striking labradorite 8MM crystal beads with labradorite rondelle shaped crystal beads, all ethically sourced.  Sterling silver accent beads with a ever sssssso charming snake charm that is lovingly made from the UK.


Labradorite is one of my favourite stones.  It is the bringer of magical qualities and taps into your intuition and mystical realm.  It is known to dispel illusion, reduce negativity and to aid in ones recovery from substances and addictions. 

Labradorite (Ethically Sourced) w/ Sterling Silver Charm

  • Size 8 mm genuine crystal beads - Ethically Sourced Option

    Each crystal bead is strung lovingly onto a quality stretch cord. These were made to be worn daily, but keep in mind to take care when wearing your bracelet during rigourous activities, you do not want the bracelet to get caught in anything. I would also suggest to avoid submerging in water for long periods of time. The more you take care of your crystal bracelet, the longer it will take care of you.

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